"..So here
I am
Don't know
how to
say this.
The only
thing I
know is

On Religion - 07.12.2004//11:57 pm

More interesting things on the last 2 entries. Oh, right, I'm leaving tomorrow night for my sister's house. I'm not sure if it's completely safe to update there, even though this thing is locked, I still don't feel comfortable. There might be a QUICK update on Sunday, I have to do laundry for work clothes.

These are just some thoughts that I had on the way home from work tonight, I'm not even sure if it makes sense or not. I sat at work and talked to Jordan for over an hour about religion and such. And here's what came out.

In this day and age, we are force-fed everything. From the �right� people to date, to stereotypes, to religion, it�s all handed to us on a plate. People wonder why this generation of teenagers are so rebellious, they don�t see that they are the ones to blame. They don�t let us be individuals, so we must find express ourselves in other ways. We are told to be quiet and to go along with what everyone else believes, like sheep. I am told that I am disrespectful and loud when I don�t follow the crowd. I got my piercings, all 8 of them, and dyed my hair black to express my opinions and individuality. I don�t believe that our current world leaders are in the right, I don�t believe that the atomic bomb was the right thing to do. All of this was what I grew up being told was right.

Everyone must find out things on their own. You cannot believe something just because it has been taught to you, just because everyone else believes it. You should never force something down someone�s throat, it will only make them rebel even more. I am getting to the age where I am questioning everything, including religion. Who says God is real? Just because I�ve been told to believe it doesn�t mean that I will.

So many churches are corrupt these days. And finding the right church is crucial in your faith, I believe. I went to a very money-hungry church since I was born. I was told that what they were saying and doing was for the �best of the church�, but now I see that it wasn�t. It made me turn away from God. It made me think that all churches were like that, and I knew I didn�t want to be a part of it. At one point, my church would have at least 2 sermons a month about money and how they needed X amount to do �the lords work�. It took listening to a pothead ramble on and on for me to realize all of this.

I always just roll my eyes when someone starts on religion and God and Faith. But maybe they are on to something, maybe it�s true. Not all of it, of course, I don�t believe a lot of things I was taught. As my Grandma Erna said yesterday, you have to step away from everything to see what you really have. You have to lose faith to see what you are really missing. You can�t go through life believing everything, you must question things. Even the most Christian person you know has probably left the Church for a period of time. You must question everything.

<<< lost && looking >>>

Closing the door, once and for all - 07.25.2004
random crap, and yes I suck. - 07.20.2004
fuck everyone - 07.18.2004
On Religion - 07.12.2004
Getting it all out - 07.11.2004