"..So here
I am
Don't know
how to
say this.
The only
thing I
know is

shock of the century - 06.28.2003//12:54 am

Well they let my aunt go home. Oh wait i already wrote about that. Nevermind. I haven't seen her since then so no news on that.

But out of bad news comes good news right? I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! Yet mildy nervous about this for some reason.

You know how my aunt is really sick and can't walk and they're not giving her very long to live? Well, they've convinced the nurses to let someone come down and see her. Guess who?

MY G-MA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, my dear sweet readers, my g-ma gets to come down Tuesday and see my aunt and stop by her house for a while. I just hope that her wheelchair can fit through the door. I hope they've thought of this. She will be devastated if they can't get her through the door. Surly my g-pa thought of that before he mentioned it to her.

I've never been so happy that I've cried before. In fact, I don't get that concept at all. But when my sis told me that i cried. I'm about to now.

None of you have any idea how much this means to me. She is so excited. She hasn't been home in almost a year. Hell, she hasn't been outside in a year.

This is so crazy. I've always been so depressed when I cry. But I am so happy and my eyes are all watery. it all seems too good to be true. I am going to go clean their house tomorrow before she comes. I just hope this all works out. I mean, this truly feels like a dream.

I'm afraid this is going to be so hard on her though. Seeing all the things that remind her of what she can never do again. Walking, cooking, sewing, moving. And it's going to be so hard on her when she has to leave. I can't imagine. I wish I could go with them.

I'm also afraid that this is going to make her want to push coming home and staying. They say she can't. But they didn't think they'd be able to wean her off her vent and they're doing it.

all these mixed feelings. I cannot wait. this is really a dream. They're leaving there at 7. Which means they'll be here at my aunts house around 9:30 or 9:45. It's going to be hard on my g-ma, seeing my aunt for the last time. Seeing her house for what may be the last time. I sure as hell couldn't do it.

Shit it's 1:11am. I'm supposed to get up at 6:45.

Words cannot express all these feelings in me, that's why i repeat myself. I am so happy. Never, in a million years, did I think she'd get to see her house again. And she's coming. Tuesday. I can't believe it.

<<< lost && looking >>>

Closing the door, once and for all - 07.25.2004
random crap, and yes I suck. - 07.20.2004
fuck everyone - 07.18.2004
On Religion - 07.12.2004
Getting it all out - 07.11.2004