"..So here
I am
Don't know
how to
say this.
The only
thing I
know is

not dead, unfortunately - 12.28.2003//8:45 pm

I am so sick of life right now. But I'm here, okay, no cuts or bruises.

I really dont feel like writing in here, but I am. I've decided to take a break for a few days. So I'm going to go ahead and put my new year's resolutions in here.

* lose 30 pounds, in 5 pound incriments so it is actually attainable ~ I know I shouldn't, but I just want to prove to myself that I can. Coincidentally, I also want to get better. Not sure which is going to actually happen, one or the other.

* stop drinking and smoking weed, and cigarettes ~ I know I can do the first two, I just wont be able to hang out with Jake or L or AM. Cigarettes now...I am scared of stress. Because when I get stressed, I smoke. A lot. So if I give it up, I'm afraid that I will start cutting again.

* stop being a bitch to everyone!

Okay, that's all I can think of for right now. Might be back later with more.

<<< lost && looking >>>

Closing the door, once and for all - 07.25.2004
random crap, and yes I suck. - 07.20.2004
fuck everyone - 07.18.2004
On Religion - 07.12.2004
Getting it all out - 07.11.2004