"..So here
I am
Don't know
how to
say this.
The only
thing I
know is

The Crew - 07.03.2003//11:30 pm

Revised 7-10-04

Me: 17, female, single, likes swinging at the park, telling people to 'fuck off', and long walks on the beach. Ok that's a lie, I don't live by a beach. But i would if i did.

Kole & Hunter: My 2 and 1 year old cats. Both male. But crazy. They hate each other. I find it amusing.

Mom: the one I live with

Dad: I have a lot of resentment towards him. Hell, read through here and you'll see why

Brother: 15. I can get along with him okay most of the time. He takes things out of the bathroom and really pisses me off. We've been getting along better lately.

Sister: 24. I'm starting to like her a lot more now that she doesn't live with me anymore. Funny how things like that happen.

Mason: Sister's boyfriend. I love him to pieces. He's so sweet and funny and caring and cute!! They better get married soon!

Bitch: aka Robin. Dad's ex-girlfriend. He was cheating on my mom with her and she's the reason they got divorced (well, amongst the reasons). Sons Matt and Kendell

AD and Uncle: My aunt who recently lost the battle to cancer. She had breast cancer, which the doctors flat out ignored, then it spread to her brain, then stomach, and back to her brain. She fought so hard, but lost the battle on August 8, 2003 (RIP babydoll). Uncle is NOT the same one who was in the motorcycle wreck. Daughters:

S and Kels: Cousins. I think I call her more Shelbs in here than S. Kels is exactly 4 months older than Brother.

AB: another aunt. Not married. Don't really talk about her.

Grandma: Mom's mom. She's a hick. She gossips like you wouldn't believe. I can't stand her for more than 2 minutes. She always comes over and cleans. It's annoying. NEVER CALLED G-MA.

G-ma: Had a car accident July 5, 2002 and now is a vent-dependent quadrapalegic. In a nursing home in Springfield (2 1/2 hours away from here :( ) Dad's mom. We are so alike it's scary. I could disown my entire family if it wasn't for her. To read more on the accident, go HERE.

G-pa: G-ma's husband. Dad's dad

DrC: she was my therapist for about 7 months, until I quit abruptly. I never told her anything, it was such a waste of money.

Sarah: Well, she used to be my best friend in the entire world. Things changed over Christmas break, and now she's a bitch.

Shay: I like her, but she's very opinionated and blunt, and quite frankly a bitch. I still love her like a sister.

Marshmallow: another friend of mine. Her, Sarah, Shay, and I were the 4 muskateers from guard, waay back in 9th grade (4 years ago)

Shane: My first true love, perhaps my only one. We've had so many ups and downs.

The Narcissist: ex boyfriend. He truly was narcissistic, thinking he was the smartest man alive or something. I didn't speak to him for 3 years. That changed when I had to sit next to him in class last year. I know I'll never see him again now that hs is over, and that's okay.

A/AM, and LA, and Jake: buddies I go and get high and/or drunk with quite frequently. somewhere in the middle of this diary their names changed..

J: a cool girl I used to work with. We've both got a lot of issues.

Mary's: my work place (hell)

Andy: Uh, not much to say about him yet, but I think he'll play a big part later on, so keep him in mind. Him and Sam went out for 3 1/2 years and just recently broke up.

<<< lost && looking >>>

Closing the door, once and for all - 07.25.2004
random crap, and yes I suck. - 07.20.2004
fuck everyone - 07.18.2004
On Religion - 07.12.2004
Getting it all out - 07.11.2004