"..So here
I am
Don't know
how to
say this.
The only
thing I
know is

hi ho, it's off to the vet we go - 05.30.2003//8:32 pm

What a day. I got woken up to my brother saying �Megan get up, something�s wrong with the baby!� oh great. I go in there and she tried to walk to her litter box and fell and peed on herself. I thought that she had pinched a nerve or broken her back or something awful like that. She was so pitiful. *I* was so pitiful. I couldn�t stop crying. By the time I looked in the mirror, it looked like I had smoked weed for 24 hrs straight. The vet was awesome, brought me right in. She gave me some ideas of what it might be and how much it would cost (uh, more than $100). She took her to the back and ran iv�s and fluids and everything for 8 hours and now she�s fine. The vet said it was probably either a virus or a GI parasite. Yuk. She had to have a catheter cause she couldn�t get up, and now there�s a little shaved spot on her butt. It�s funny. She sounds like a squeaky door. Haha. Now I have a drugged up sick kitten in my lap. I realized how attached to her I am after only a week.

I decided to name her Makenzie. I like that name.

So what I really want to talk about. This guy. Ah. I didn�t think I liked him until last night. Sarah said that he was looking for me yesterday. I�m a nerd so I always talk about music. He suggested this band (which happened to play the song that I�ve been looking for) and they�re awesome. Now every time I hear this band I think about him. (I do this a lot, which is why I can�t listen to Incubus most of the time). He�s at work right now. I would go stalk him, but I have no energy. Maybe later.

I need to get over my social phobia. It�s killing me.

<<< lost && looking >>>

Closing the door, once and for all - 07.25.2004
random crap, and yes I suck. - 07.20.2004
fuck everyone - 07.18.2004
On Religion - 07.12.2004
Getting it all out - 07.11.2004