"..So here
I am
Don't know
how to
say this.
The only
thing I
know is

I swear I am going to become a nun - 10.25.2003//2:48 pm

Yesterday. The day was okay until after school. I stayed around and talked to Shane for like 10 minutes then I had to go eat cause we had to be back by 3:45 to get ready for the game.

Michael. This guy I just met this year, just because I was trying to set him and Sarah up. Well he just wanted to be friends with her, and now he has a girlfriend (keep this in mind!). I only see Michael on Friday nights before and after the game. That's it, I never see/talk to him any other time during the week. Well we were all getting ready, and he comes over and sits by Sarah and me and the other guard members. He always does this. Shane was there also. I kept throwing bobbie pins at M cause he was making fun of me. We put them in his hair, then M and I went out to my car so I could take a pic of him. Then I was finishing off the film and I was taking pics of Michael taking off his pants (he had shorts on underneath). Sue me. We were getting ready to go practice before the game (the field is on the other side of the school, pretty far away). I don't know where shane went. So M asks me if I want to ride over there with him. I say sure, why not, it's a nice offer right? (oh yeah, people think that he likes me btw) So we just talk about dumb stuff and then I have to go. Well, when practice was over I was on the other side of the field rolling my flags back up. Michael comes over there and starts helping me, again, nice of him to do. I figured I'd just walk back over with Sarah and Marshmallow. Oh no, I go back with Michael. So what's the big deal? I usually never see Shane during this time anyway.

So on the way back to the band room Michael and I talk about things that we have and haven't done, and how both of our mom's families are drug addicts and no one really talks to them. Kinda funny that they're both like that but anyway. So we get back to the band room and we just sit in his car and talk for like 3 minutes. (Another side note: I talked to Marshmallow about this because she is the only one that is not involved and I know she�d keep her mouth shut) She comes out and said �meg, I got to talk to you.� I get out and go inside.

Where I am given a go to hell look by Shane. Ok wtf. I blow it off, maybe he's mad about band or something. Then beth comes over and she said "ooh girl, he's pissed beyond belief at you" Why, you might ask? Because I was talking to Michael instead of him! I never normally talk to him before the game on Friday nights anyway!

So at half time I stand there and listen to his apology. What was I supposed to say? �Oh yeah everything�s just fine?� um no. And everyone kept interrupting us. Like Laura, she wouldn�t go away. And my mom wouldn�t leave either. He said he was sorry. He said a lot of things that really hurt. And what did I do? I stood there, not looking at him, not saying a word. I finally looked at him and he said something that I couldn�t believe he�d ever say. �So what now? Do we go on from this or what?� I said I didn�t know and just walked away. Because by the time I found Marshmallow I was crying. Our break was over and we had to go back to the stands.

I had to do the ACT this morning which sucked because the only thing I could think of was last night. I know I completely bombed the test. Don't get in fights before the ACT, it's not smart.

<<< lost && looking >>>

Closing the door, once and for all - 07.25.2004
random crap, and yes I suck. - 07.20.2004
fuck everyone - 07.18.2004
On Religion - 07.12.2004
Getting it all out - 07.11.2004