"..So here
I am
Don't know
how to
say this.
The only
thing I
know is

in and out - 01.15.2004//10:13 pm

I can't sleep at night. I've had some very odd dreams, including one about Moo (my friend, too hard to explain). If you remember that ordeal 2 years ago, she was being a bitch in my dream also. I had one about Shane as well. It felt great to be in his arms, if only for a breif moment, if only in a dream.

Tomorrow night The Crew (aka jenn, jackie, whit, katt, and me) is going to Arsega's. This could be the beginning of a great thing for me (read the last entry for why).

I really don't want to update. But here I am. Everything has been weird this week. I connected on so many levels with Cody (the guy in pysics who I said I hated earlier this year). It was amazing. And he has the most gorgeous eyes ever, yes I told him that as well. I get to see Edison on the 27th. I'm excited, I haven't seen him since all-region in November. My cd player has been stuck on "tourniquet" by evanescence this past week. Such a true song.

<<< lost && looking >>>

Closing the door, once and for all - 07.25.2004
random crap, and yes I suck. - 07.20.2004
fuck everyone - 07.18.2004
On Religion - 07.12.2004
Getting it all out - 07.11.2004