"..So here
I am
Don't know
how to
say this.
The only
thing I
know is

happy cows come from california - 04.05.2004//7:38 pm

Written on Saturday

Hangovers are so much more worse than anything you can imagine. Holy fucking hell dude.

Ok last night, right as I submitted that last entry (which you should all read the past 2), AM calls me. We all meet up and hang out and then go huff glue. If you have never done this before, it�s insane. Like everything that was said and done was deja-vu, every single thing. And time went by so fucking slow. I swear that we had been there for over 2 hours, and it was only 35 minutes. And paranoid. It was insane, but the best feeling in the world. It�s better than being high and drunk. Although it kills a LOT more brain cells.

Then we went back to Walmart and got coke and cranberry juice. Went back to Jake�s, and proceeded to get drunk (we bought vodka). AM has drank recently. Her sister has never been drunk. I haven�t been drunk in over 6 months. So when AM and her sis were taking half shots (5 each), I was taking whole shots (5 as well). AM was tipsy, I was fucking drunk, but her sister oh man. She was outside throwing up, then on the way home threw up again. I thought I was going to all night, so I didn�t move off the couch. I wish I would have, I hate feeling sick like that.

Hmm, so I wake up and come home at 8:15 and go back to bed. I get up at 11, take 2 tylenol 8-hour, and take a shower and here I am. Oh yeah I lost my voice. I think it�s the mixture of breathing glue for 30 minutes, smoking all but 2 out of my pack I got at lunch, drinking which I haven�t done in a while, and the fact that the house was freezing and the air is dry. This all really blows because I have to go to work in 4 hours.

I really want some ice cream, and chili. Too bad we have neither. Too bad I can�t call anyone because I cant talk, and I�m pretty sure I can�t drive right now.

Did I mention that I�ve never had a hangover before, EVER? Yeah, which makes this THAT much worse. I never realized how loud the toilet flushing is. Ok I�m going to veg now.

Monday 1:13 pm

Ow. God. I don�t know if I can make sentences, but I�m going to try.

So I finally got my voice back when I went to work, but then I started coughing. I swear I was going to cough up a lung or something. After work instead of going home and going to bed, I went to Jakes. We had the toga party then. Yes, we were all wrapped up in sheets. It was fun. I took 2 shots of vodka. We played truth or dare with these cards she had, it was fun. I had to kiss AM! Haha, it wasn�t with tongue or anything, just pressed our lips together. We both took a shot beforehand. Shane came over right before I had to go home. I go out to my car to leave, and he kisses me and asks me if I�m okay to drive. I said yeah. He said �so okay that I can taste the alcohol on your lips?� Yikes! I almost got pulled over too. At one point I was swerving, I remember that. There was no way I could have explained not having my car to my mom, because he really wanted to take me home. He should have. I shouldn�t have drove home.

Yesterday I went to see my g-ma with Sis and Bro. I kept coughing. We got back about 6 and I went to bed. When I got up at 7 I took my temp and it was over 102̊. I showed my mom and she said �so what do you want me to do about it�. I was feeling like shit and I think I cried for over an hour! Bleh. I don�t really remember much. She didn�t come in and check on me or anything! I called the house twice at 8, and she finally realized that I really was sick and wasn�t making it up when I wouldnt stop crying. I think I told her that I was dying, and that I didn�t want to die. Shane came over for a little bit. I don�t remember talking to him. But aparently this is what he had over spring break.

I still feel like shit. Like a freaking truck ran over me. I went to school for 4th because if I miss any more I lose credit. I don�t know how I drove there, I don�t really remember that either. AM drove my car to lunch and dropped me off at my house and then drove my car back to school. My mom is taking me to my doctor�s appointment at 4, and I guess I�ll go get it then. I told my mom that she�s going to say it�s my allergies, I know she is. You know what, I�m sick and I�m very cranky, if she does or prescribes me meds that I�ve had before, I�m going to tell her it�s not my fucking allergies and I�m not getting them filled because it�s a waste of money. But yeah that�s why my mom�s coming. I feel dumb, I�m 17 and my mom is coming with me.

I haven�t eaten anything. Thursday at 4:30 I had cereal. Friday at lunch I had � of my rice. Saturday and Sunday I didn�t eat or drink anything. Today I had a hamburger and thought I was going to throw up. But hey I dropped 4 � pounds.

I�ve coughed so much this weekend that my muscles are sore. It feels like I�ve done a thousand sit-ups, and my lower back hurts. My throat hurt from coughing all night, but it�s getting used to it. I can�t take any more of this bleh! I�ll let you know what my doc says.

Monday 7:35pm

stomach and back still hurts. My doctor fucking sucks. She prescribed me 2 medicines that I�ve already taken, both of which didn�t work. She just said that I had an URI. She says that about every fucking thing. Grr.

I have done waay too much partying this weekend. Bleh.

<<< lost && looking >>>

Closing the door, once and for all - 07.25.2004
random crap, and yes I suck. - 07.20.2004
fuck everyone - 07.18.2004
On Religion - 07.12.2004
Getting it all out - 07.11.2004