"..So here
I am
Don't know
how to
say this.
The only
thing I
know is

the one about Cole - 03.18.2004//3:09 pm

Why me? Why me why me why me? This should not bother me, it should not confuse me. I don't know what the hell my problem is. I've gone off the deep end.

I don't even know how to begin to explain this to you. Ok Jake has this guy Cole living with them. Cole is 19. I have only seen him twice, and the first time he was passed out on the couch..AM and Cole have made out once or twice, but nothing happened. I dont know why it just didn't. Well we were all over there last Thursday. The only thing that he's ever said to me is "can I bum a cigarette?" While over there we started talking about prom and stuff and Jake asked LA (as a joking thing) to go to prom together. Well then Cole asked AM as friends and we were all excited and stuff. After AM and I left, she said "my mom will never approve of him. We'll just have to take group pictures. But cole is so cute" and I kept saying that yeah, he was pretty cute in an odd way. Completely forgot about it until now when AM sent me these text messages:

"Cole just asked about you. We told him that you had a bf"

me "What?! What did he ask?!"

"It seems that he has a thing for you :("

Damn it! Now I bet that we all won't go to prom. I really want to go with them. I probably won't go unless AM and/or LA and Jake go. Crud!

But ok, here's what I don't get. We've never talked before. He's got the whole goth thing going, which I think is sexy. Thursday night he was wearing a black button-up shirt, a black beanie with his long black hair, and a black skirt. Yep, that is the guy who "has a thing for me" If I didn't have a bf I would go for him. But I do so I need to forget it because I really like Shane.

Oh my lord. I'm going insane. I'm really flattered that Cole likes me. But now that he knows that I have a bf, he'll be over me in a day max. That's just how those guys are. He'll be over me before I go over there again. this has been the most eventfully uneventful spring break ever.


Haha. AM just called me and she was acting like everything was cool. Hopefully it is. Anyway, the funny thing about it is that she said "hey after you get off work tonight you should come spend the night at Jakes, we're all going to be over there" Hmm which means time with Cole, the guy I've never talked to before and only seen twice. But apparently he asked about me by name to jake. And then AM told Jake that I said that Cole was hot. Oy me, my life is confusing sometimes. I know I'm going to get fucked up tonight, so there's no telling what's going to happen..

<<< lost && looking >>>

Closing the door, once and for all - 07.25.2004
random crap, and yes I suck. - 07.20.2004
fuck everyone - 07.18.2004
On Religion - 07.12.2004
Getting it all out - 07.11.2004