"..So here
I am
Don't know
how to
say this.
The only
thing I
know is

HELP ME - 04.12.2004//5:17 pm

Hope you read the last entry because here goes..

I left you all, my dear readers, at Saturday afternoon. Well Saturday night after work Jake calls me and said "here's this number. Call cole and talk to him" So after some coaxing from Jeff, I call him and we talk for a while. He asks me if I like him. I said "uh..*long pause* yeah. But I am so confused right now. And there's the whole AM liking you thing..." He asked me what he needed to say to her to get her to see that he doesn't like her. Yikes, I told him I'm staying out of it. No matter what he says she's still going to like him, at least a little bit. He said he likes me too and that I should come hang out with them tonight. I said okay.

So I go over there and no one else is there because they all left, so it's just me and him. We watched some weird movie. He showed me his drawings and poetry, both of which I was informed he never lets ANYone see, and keeps them hidden. We talked about science and religion and relationships and everything. It was so nice. We both share a love of nature and weather. We looked at this book he had of the greatest places on earth, it was so great.

Ok so at 3:30 Jake and Brad come back and go to bed. Cole and I sit there talking some more, and right as he says "i have something to ask you" Jake walks out! Damn it! Jake said "oh man I left something in my car. Cole, will you go get it?" he said yeah, and I decided that since it was 4am I should go home. He walked me out to my car and finally told me what he was going to.

So now what? If I start liking him then AM is going to be mad, which ruins everything. I really don't want to lose Shane though..

<<< lost && looking >>>

Closing the door, once and for all - 07.25.2004
random crap, and yes I suck. - 07.20.2004
fuck everyone - 07.18.2004
On Religion - 07.12.2004
Getting it all out - 07.11.2004