"..So here
I am
Don't know
how to
say this.
The only
thing I
know is

crazy weekend - 01.25.2004//8:58 pm

Fuck off. I've been saying that too much this weekend, and that's the only words that will come to my head right now. So fuck off.

This weekend was interesting, to say the least. I'm going insane because of it though. Friday night when we were in the hotel, we all changed into our pj's and had my bag propping the door up because if there's members of the opposite sex it has to be open. We all left for maybe 30 seconds. Someone, on the way out, kicked my bag so the door freakin shut. Of course none of us had our keys because we were all in our pjs. So MrR and MrH (the directors) were pissed at that.

later, we had probably 15-20 people in our room playing "have you ever"/"5 fingers". You know, where you start out with 5 fingers and someone says "i've never had sex" and if you have you put a finger down. That game. So we're all in there saying things we've done, including skipping sex and any drug imaginable. Someone started to leave, then came back in and said "oh crap, chaparones have been walking up and down the halls!!" I think they heard everything we said because that night and all yesterday Be and I kept getting bad go-to-hell looks from MrR and MrH. Shit! I don't think I'd pass a drug test, it's only be 20 days! Oh well. I'm trying not to freak out. Maybe they're just mad cause we got locked out (not our fault!!) or that we had a lot of people in our room. Well, fuck off!

Agh, I just got off the phone with AM and I'm freaked out now about the whole pot thing being overheard. I'm definately not doing any this weekend like planned. We're taking a college day Thursday to NWACC for a few hours then hanging out the rest of the day, and we don't have school Friday so..

Shay got a job at mary's. I don't know if I told you that or not. She's starting this Thursday. yay!

Ok, i'm procrastinating writing this. My ever-going drama about Shane. Yes, I like him. He knows that, though I've never actually said it. I walk with my arm in guy's arms all the time, not a big deal. Well I did that with Shane this weekend. On the way back last night (it's a 3 hour drive), we both had like 4 hours of sleep, so I put my arm in his and fell asleep on his shoulder (for only 10 minutes, but still!). At some point during this ride back we ended up holding hands. It felt so right!

AGH I like him so freaking much and I don't think I could like anyone else the way I like him, but I like being single! I like flirting with whoever i damn well please. And I still don't know what went wrong before. I don't know what I'm going to say to him tonight/tomorrow. It's going to be awkward. What am I supposed to say? 'You know I love you but I shouldn't have done that last night because I just can't deal with it right now? sorry i'm psycho, can we just be friends with benifits?' HA that's a laugh. I guess something will pop out of my mouth. Probably another bullshit answer, they seem to be coming out a lot lately.

I'm tired. it's 9:50 and I still have to do my homework. I've been sitting here for over an hour (well talking to AM) and nothing good has come out. I'll tell you about the Taco story later if someone will remind me.

<<< lost && looking >>>

Closing the door, once and for all - 07.25.2004
random crap, and yes I suck. - 07.20.2004
fuck everyone - 07.18.2004
On Religion - 07.12.2004
Getting it all out - 07.11.2004